Eric Barry

I vote creativity!!
When one thinks of a political campaign in these parts, we hardly think of creativity. They are usually hard in your face mudslinging against the opponents. With 2020 being an election year, I thought, just in case one of the...
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New Year’s Wish List
My list is short. For 2020, I wish at least one client would say, "Let's be wild. Come up with an idea that I have never seen before." Happy New Year everyone.
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Dreaming of being a graphic artist at an advertising agency?
Over the years, I have met quite a few people who do art who, when they found out that I worked in the advertising field, immediately asked me about becoming a graphic artist at an agency. It not being my...
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Dreaming of being an advertising copywriter?
So you are thinking of being a copywriter at an advertising agency and you are wondering how to "get een." I had the same question before I got my foot in the door. I dreamed of writing ads that would...
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Geico does it again!
The marketing team at Geico are a brilliant bunch. Over the years, they have had a series of disruptive campaigns that we enjoyed which etched the brand name onto the minds of millions of us who sit before a television....
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To “buss” or not to “buss”!
2019 will mark my 12th anniversary in the employ of Pepper Advertising. During this decade and two years, I have seen the ups and downs of the organisation and the strategic moves needed to match the twists and turns of...
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Christmas Gift Ideas for Techno Junkies
They say that Christmas is for Children. Yeah right. We big people look forward to toys too, not pretend stuff, but practical items that brings some form of joy to our lives. For those whose inner child loves gadgets, have...
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Save Face on Social Media
I feel so bad when I do a post on Facebook then, some time later on, when I read what I wrote, I see a typo. Quickly I would use the edit feature to fix that, hoping that those who...
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Scary and true
It's Halloween time. It is the season for other-worldly stories. Some stories are pure fiction, other very real, such as an incident that happened at our home when I was a teen. SUNDAY NIGHT It was the early 1980’s. The...
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This ad is electric
Don't you just love when you see a television ad for the first time and somethings are not making any sense, until at the end, you get the payoff and have that wonderful Ah-ha moment! That is what I got...
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I snickered and I wondered
I recently saw the Snickers ad featuring William Dafoe and the digital re-imaging of 1960's movie icon Marilyn Monroe. It is brilliantly funny and communicates effectively. After I my laugh wore off, I wondered on the possibility of a...
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Grenada Carnival – Hot and Spicy!!
A few months ago I wrote a blog about the threat to Trinidad & Tobago's carnival by the neighbouring islands' own carnival festivity. Well, I went to Grenada's Spice Mas a couple weeks ago and all I have to say...
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