Cutting Machel down to size

The stadium was full on Machel Monday.  No other artist in T&T can pull that off.  None.   Machel called and his tribe answered.  They came in the flesh and virtually.   And Machel did not disappoint, walking (and winin’) as he did with global endorsements, who on this night were the lucky ones to be in the Boy’s company.

At the other end of the fan spectrum are another less impressed bunch.  (I think some people call them haters.)  They were really, really hoping that Machel Monday would be a famous flop.   Some of it is good old fashion jealousy.  For others, it’s pay back time.  He pushed me off the stage so it good for him.   Others believe that his hubris is now unbearable and he needs to be pulled down a peg or two.

Why do we love to hate celebrities?  according to Dr Sam Vaknin it’s about “the guilty joy of witnessing them cut down to size”.  But size was never an issue for this little boy from Siparia called Machel Jesus Montano.