Don’t ask for a kiss on your first date.


Recently I added a Linked-in connection and before I could read the “Congratulations you and ……..are now connected”, she was trying to sell me something.  Now I have also made some inappropriate approaches myself, so I’m not lecturing here.  Or certainly not without having made some mistakes of my own.  These can occur online and offline.  Like recently I ran into a Fatima Old Boy and instead of spending time exchanging genuine greetings, I found myself pitching him.  Going after some new business.  What could be so wrong with that?  Everything.

Michael Port reminds us to “Always be transparent.”  He says “No one will fault you for letting them know about your services — as long as they anticipate it.”  But if they don’t expect it, then it’s just plain inappropriate and maybe even rude.  We must have people’s permission to sell them especially when we’ve only just met them.  Because if we try to go too fast, we will not even get to hold their corporate hands.