We need more funnels.

How do we widen the funnel?

I figured it out this week.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  Decision making is too centralised in our country.  It’s too concentrated in government, in schools, in homes, in our communities and in businesses.  And yes at pepper where I lead, it’s no different.

If we keep giving one person/group all the authority to make decisions, here are some things that can happen:

  • Decisions take too long
  • Decisions are not optimal or sometimes outright wrong
  • People lose the ability to make decisions, they disconnect
  • We create a culture of supreme leaders which is debilitating

So we either need more funnels (more people who make decisions), less requests going into the funnel (people make more of the decisions so less get to the funnel) or we find a way to widen the bottom of the funnel.  How?  By freeing up time spent on the unproductive activities of the decision makers.

You know how sometimes you have a problem at a store and you tell the clerk and she says “Let me call the manager”.  That store needs more funnels and the clerk could be one of them.