Whistling to work

whisling to work

I’m generalising here and know that’s risky. But my observation is that many people are not passionate about their jobs. Why? Because we are still running organisations from the top down without engaging the rank and file. Our system is built around the teacher telling us what to do, rather than her asking us if we should be doing it. And what responsibility do employees have in all of this? Are they powerless spectators?

Running a business is hard. And I think entrepreneurs are a special breed who get a bad rap. They are generally seen as exploiters of labor and the only reason some people stay is for the credit that hits their account around the 27th of the month.
How do we improve things? In short, employers need to let everyone in on the secret. The secret of what the business is trying to do. I was in Vancouver recently and was blown away by the effeciency of their public transporation system. I suspect that someone sat down with a whole lot of people and let them in on the secret.
And employees are not powerless. They can take responsibility for excelling. They can push back. They can fight to prove they have a better way. They can argue and they can stick their neck out for what they believe in. Or they can go with the flow and wait on the 27th. If you’re only waiting on the 27th, change your boss (and being your own boss is an option)or change your self. Then you might start whistling to work.