Traditional Advertising

Facebook meme: 2M against the $2M Flag!
Trinidad & Tobago's Newsday featured an article entitled Facebook Group against $2M Flag. Apparently, some caring soul created a Facebook group in response to our Government's spending habits. Naturally, I went across to Facebook to investigate. The Newsday reported 2 million...
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Are you untouchable?
I’ve been reading an article in the New York Times titled “The Untouchables”  which basically talks about how you must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive in the labour market. So what differentiates you from others in your...
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Viral Video Success: Volkswagen’s Fun Theory
In case you missed it, an amazingly good example of a social media campaign. Take note those of you searching for ideas to jump start a social media campaign. Essentially, VW is trying out new ideas on changing behaviour. Their...
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Life without press, radio and TV?
What if we woke up one morning to find that traditional media was no longer available?  What would brand managers do?  Well for starters they would find out how their customers are handling the change and what if anything has...
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Anti-Social Media
With all the attention being paid to social media, this blog is about anti-social media. Here’s some anti-social media: TV ads that run 4 times in back to back breaks and 8 times in an hour and half programme Billboard...
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Social Media Bandwagon
Social Media Reinventing itself in 2009
2009 has arrived and brings much uncertainty especially given the global economic downturn and the possibility of a recession in T&T. As a marketer in an advertising agency, I've already seen clients both private and public sector begin to cut...
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