
Happy Belated Republic Day
OMG. Capturing this image took 5 times as long as my posting this item. First I keep the page for two weeks, then when I tried to scan it, I shorted out about half the computers at work. And yes,...
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Sampling your product to death…
We’ve all seen it.  The $15 an hour temp, with the branded T shirt, standing behind the decorated table, handing out samples.  I must say that we have improved in T&T in this area.  Most samplers are pleasant, know something...
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What makes a Good Agency
Good agency, from client’s perspective: Adds value to strategic discussion, not just gofers Treats clients’ money as if it is their own (assuming they are good with their money) Transparency in billing Right chemistry; yes, the ‘like factor’ is critical...
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All Staff are Marketing Staff
In this blog post, Seth Godin talks about Cultural Wisdom. We spend tons of time doing expensive research to find the insight that drives our even more expensive television commercial, and our company branded vehicles drive around in a serious...
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Better Bookmarking: Xmarks the Spot
I love me some Xmarks. Formerly Foxmarks, Xmarks allows you synchronise my favourites/bookmarks across browsers and across machines. If I'm at work and I bookmark an informative article on Safari, *hey presto!* I can find that same link already present...
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Digital is More Better?
The big, fast moving trend involves the latest technology boom. Print newspapers are slowly dying out, and are fastly being replaced by online publications (in developed nations this tends to be the case). Other media industries are feeling the same...
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How to be a Good Client – From an Agency’s POV
A client will get the best out of their Agency if they treat them as equals. Not the hired help who takes instructions in a one way flow of power and information. If you think your agency has no brains,...
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Consistency in Branding: You always know what you get
I’m looking at CNN the other night, a foreign correspondent reporting from China. The reporter is standing on a sidewalk in Beijing standing in front of a barber shop. Behind him is the blue and red spiral pole you always...
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5 Golden Rules of Billboarding
Say after me…”A billboard is not a larger version of your press ad.” So here’s 5 rules for a good billboard or banner: 1. Communicate only one thing and I mean one thing So if you are having a Fete...
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Presentation Design Heroes
Ahhhh... my first blog post... let me savour the moment. Aaannnnddd.... we're off... Heroes. (Not the kind who were originally bad but were 'persuaded' into shape-shifting and thinking they are really Nathan Petrelli...but I digress). Find these people online and...
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What do you do differently?
I'm on vacation in Canada and went to a seminar organized by Enterprise Toronto on Low Cost Marketing Tools You can use to Grow Your Business. The presenter Andrew Patricio was very interesting. Basically, he iterated what we all...
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