
TriniPulse’s Create Your Cover Shot
Trinis really are quite photogenic. I came across TriniPulse's Create Your Cover Shot campaign. If you' have ever heard of or used MagMyPic you already know what this is. You upload a photo of yourself, and it gets overlaid with...
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Rituals brings Jamaican staple to Trinidad
It had to happen.  Someone had to see the potential goldmine of bringing Jamaica’s version of Doubles to Trinidad.  Just as many Trinis see Doubles as a daily staple, it’s the same way Jamaicans see their patented Patty. Well, Mario...
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Doubles Website?
Should George’s X Doubles have a website? I can feel it. We are going to wake up one day soon and find everyone, even a double’s vendor has a website and a blog. And why not? George’s X sells more...
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Inspiration: Clever Logo Design Ideas
My pick for Ad inspiration Mondays...cleverly implemented logo design ideas. Stunning wordmarks, strong icons and intelligent combinations. Take a look how designer’s ideas are tranformed into to full-rate brands. It’s also an excellent source to find out what are today’s...
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Are you untouchable?
I’ve been reading an article in the New York Times titled “The Untouchables”  which basically talks about how you must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive in the labour market. So what differentiates you from others in your...
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Sampling your product to death…
We’ve all seen it.  The $15 an hour temp, with the branded T shirt, standing behind the decorated table, handing out samples.  I must say that we have improved in T&T in this area.  Most samplers are pleasant, know something...
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What makes a Good Agency
Good agency, from client’s perspective: Adds value to strategic discussion, not just gofers Treats clients’ money as if it is their own (assuming they are good with their money) Transparency in billing Right chemistry; yes, the ‘like factor’ is critical...
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