social media marketing

Don’t ask for a kiss on your first date.
  Recently I added a Linked-in connection and before I could read the "Congratulations you and ........are now connected", she was trying to sell me something.  Now I have also made some inappropriate approaches myself, so I'm not lecturing here. ...
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Vice President of Starting
My 17 year old son Diego saw me reading the latest Seth Godin masterpiece Poke the Box and started poking into it himself.  After a few page turns and a moment of quiet investigation he exclaimed, "but Dad, all he...
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10 ways you know your ads are working
You are meeting and sometimes beating sales targets Your brand name starts appearing in songs Competitor references your ads in their ads People start blogging about your brands or discussing them offline and on FB Online ads are very track-able. ...
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New Age advertising – The rise of Twitter
twit·ter v. twit·tered, twit·ter·ing, twit·ters v.intr. 1. To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup.  2. a. To speak rapidly and in a tremulous manner: twittering over office gossip. b. To giggle nervously; titter.  3. To tremble...
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UWI Fete 2012: Bollywood TriniScene Ad
Compliments of Bollywood
Ok, ok, I'm a sucker for compliments, or recognition rather. But who isn't? Our promotion of Bollywood, UWI Fete 2011 has been attracting some attention. We have a great team working hard to create an amazing experience at Bollywood. So...
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Social media and the God given voice
It seems that on a daily basis I am being shown a positive side to the social media phenomenon. I must confess, my views are slowly being swayed from the distrust I had of it. Today's installment of "Convert Barry"...
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Meet my digital mentor
I've been very lucky throughout my career.  I've worked with and close to the best in marketing and business.  Richard Waddell (RIP) introduced me to Noble Phillip, the best marketing person I know.  That was 30 years ago and I've...
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10 Reasons Why your Company Needs a VP of Conversations
Spin is not in.  PRO's need to be re-trained. People are talking.  Plenty.  So listen then join in. Traditional advertising (by itself) is not working. (40% Internet penetration in T&T) Facebook has over 350,000 members in T&T (some market categories...
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The CMOs Guide to the Social Media Landscape
The CMO’s Guide To The Social Media Landscape
Pepper-e is pleased to refer you to the CMO's guide to the Social Media Landscape. Now, you too, can draft a social media strategy with this handy cheatsheet. The chart was commissioned by and drafted by their online agency...
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HOW TO: Get started with Social Media Marketing in T & T
On Thursday 1st July, Pepper Advertising / Pepper-e for Digital Marketing presented at Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business' Master of Marketing Week. These presentations act as a guide towards investing in Social Media Marketing. Social Media Marketing involves...
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Top 10 Trinidad & Tobago Facebook Fan Pages
Ever wondered what were the best Facebook Fan Pages devoted to Trinbagonians and Trini brands?  If so, without further FAN-fare, Pepper-e presents the Top 10 T & T Facebook Fan Pages for 2010: 10. I love Bake and Shark Fans:...
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