uwi fete

UWI Fete 2012: Bollywood Google Ad
UWI Fete does the Digital
The Pepper-e Digital Team is really working hard to promote UWI Fete. Trinidad Express newspaper columnist Wayne Bowman details the upcoming Fete and its online promotions. UWI Fete designates a Driver Members of the general public have an opportunity to...
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UWI Fete 2012: Bollywood TriniScene Ad
Compliments of Bollywood
Ok, ok, I'm a sucker for compliments, or recognition rather. But who isn't? Our promotion of Bollywood, UWI Fete 2011 has been attracting some attention. We have a great team working hard to create an amazing experience at Bollywood. So...
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5 steps to a Sold Out Event
Every year, for the past 20 years, UWI (Development and Endowment Fund) has held its annual Carnival Fete.  The purpose of the fete is to fund bursaries to deserving students. Less than one month after the 2010 fete, 160 bursuries...
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