10 goals for Trinidad and Tobago’s next 50.

  1. Local Content on Radio and TV of at least 50%; legislated at first, but then market driven
  2. Agriculture is 5 – 10% of GDP
  3. We make the finals of at least 3 football World Cups and a female national wins gold in the 100 metres at the Olympics
  4. Teaching is a noble profession again (hopefully long before the 100th)
  5. We still have the Queen’s Park Savannah and other iconic green spaces
  6. We are more patriotic; win, lose or draw (we need to find out how the Jamaican’s got there)
  7. The majority of government services has been privatised (eg. Vehicle Licensing Office)
  8. People can speak their mind without fear of retaliation
  9. We improve our ranking on the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index from our current 91 placing out of 183 countries to 21 (the lower your #, the less corrupt you are)
  10. We finally believe in ourselves

What the colors of our flag mean:  The red base represents the vigor of the land in Trinidad and Tobago, the friendliness and courage of its people, and the sun. The black represents the unity and strength of the people, as well as the natural wealth of the country. The white represents the surrounding sea and the purity and equality of all people under the sun. Together, the colors represent earth, water and fire, which connect the nation’s people to the past present and future. (source: answers.com)