Will Facebook decide our next Prime Minister?

Ok so we’re soon going to have an election in T&T.  The flavour of the month is social media.  Will it play a role in the outcome?  I can’t imagine how it won’t.  There are over 300,000 Facebook users in T&T.  Assuming that every two of them are from the same household; that’s 150,000 households or about 1/2 of total households.

Then there’s e-mail.  I figure that could take care of an additional 50,000 households, if we count the people who access e-mail out of home.  So I believe digital media can play a huge role given its reach, immediacy and intimacy.

The challenge is that I don’t believe there are databases for doing it “permission based”.  Yet, even if there is a small database, messages can be passed on easily and quickly.  The digital agency that handled the Obama campaign has a representative in T&T.  They must be plotting out a plan for one of the parties as we speak.  And they are not the only digital players in town, including a home grown version called pepperE

Digital media could decide the outcome of the game.

We’re polling your opinions. Vote after the Jump.


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