Eric Barry

I am all out
At the risk of appearing to be a fraud at my job (I hope the boss does not see this blog), I say that I really do not get this new Adidas campaign, at least the promotional line. The first...
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Reaping what we sow
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Yesterday morning I got the news that the 25 year old son of a good friend was kidnapped and the home of another friend was deliberately burnt to the ground by some young men living in her area. Once again...
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7 things I don’t like about Facebook.
June makes it a year since I joined the Facebook crowd. I did this reluctantly. I previously had wanted no part of this internet group "friendship" thing, even when Hi5 and My Space ruled. Well, on the insistence of friends...
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Kate, Obama and Bin. Steups!
If I were Kate Middleton, I would have let go a prolonged "steups" across the Atlantic toward President Obama and his War Room compatriots. Just two days after the world viewed the most anticipated wedding in record numbers, attention was...
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Socially unsocial
By now regulars should be aware of my aversion (somewhat) to the "social networking" toys of today. I am sorry, but I am not fully a believer. I have not bought the hype. From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the word...
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Do you remember?
I am curious to know which television ads people remember from their childhood. I am amazed at the stuff that have been etched in my mind from waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy  back. My earliest recollection of a television ad is a stop motion...
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I eh sayin’ nothin’
I consider myself fairly intelligent and rarely incorrect. On the odd occurrence that my judgment errs, I will be mature about it and say, "I was wrong." Consumer trends in Trinidad (I can't speak for Tobago) baffles me. The failure...
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Free software
The word free always attracts. This will surely be my most visited post. Anyway, I came across this video on Yahoo! News' Upgrade Your Life feature about free software to download. Pretty good stuff. Enjoy.  
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Can local advertisers do the Body Wine like a Trini?
I have only recently recovered from my foray with Carnival 2011. It was a first for me. I actually played with a band, something I swore I would never do. For the most part, I had a great time, despite...
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KLM Personal Space
||, , A very nice ad on KLM Airline's Business Class: KLM Personal Space Experiment
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Battle of the Exes part II: H.R. at the “O.K. Corral”
It was not high noon, yet the atmosphere was as heated as the day’s midpoint when the hour to congregate  among the differing parties had arrived. On the left were the Account Executives. On the right were the Creative Experts...
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Of Kilts and Skirts
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I stayed away from writing a blog on the Angostura Single Barrel campaign despite my dislike of it and my confusion as to the intended target market. I really was not in the mood to do that critical reviewing thing...
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