2 ads I wish were my ideas

Occasionally I would see an ad and say to myself, “I like that. Why didn’t I think of something like that?” Here are two that caused such a reaction:

Rexona Degree

The moment I saw this deodorant ad, I wanted to see it again. It’s punches me with surprise, humour, apt exaggeration and effective communication.

McDonald’s “Favourites”


I have tried on a few occasions to write an ad where poetry drives the narrative. These attempts never left the Copy Department. It is a pleasure looking at this McDonald’s offering where poetry gives the right touch to the piece. I love the director’s slight camera movements which helps to convey the “everyday” mood and I particularly love the “Suddenly Just Burst In Types”.

P.B. (post blog) I just saw this. I love it and felt to include it:


  • Bjorn Stodart

    1 July, 2011, 12:36 pm

    hahahaha those were great EBAR, each one has its own charm.  I especially liked the last one with the spider.  The reaction of that woman screaming and the man smashing the phone was hilarious!  Use of the ALARM trigger here.

    The McDonald’s ad reminds me of a Dr. Seuss piece and I think tied back with the imagery so well.  They made an emotional connection to the fast food giant that I think everyone can relate to, they covered essentially every type of customer!  Use of the TRUST trigger here.

  • Taheera Tim Kee

    1 July, 2011, 7:59 pm

    yes Tanya and I actually spoke about that 3rd one in the AE corral the other day…it’s hilariousssss….Lord knows I love watching all the global TV ads..they’re so much fun sometimes :D