Machel understands the Power of Scarcity

Machel Montano

Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion describes The Rule of Scarcity — That which is rare or is becoming less available is always more appealing. Show genuine scarcity in the most tangible way you can. Point out what will be lost by not responding. People fear loss, so generate a feeling of potential loss.

This is not a new concept to us in T&T as we’ve seen what happens to the price of peppers when rain falls and only a few survive.  And also the cost of fish at Easter, although I believe some of that scarcity is man made.

So when Machel decided to sit out Carnival 2010, it was not just to take a rest.  It was to pursue a business strategy that the likes of Jay Z have also pursued.  Jay Z retired in the height of his career.  And then came back.  Only bigger. (if that’s possible)  And Machel’s re-entry will also be greeted with even more intensity by his adoring fans.  Machel is one of the biggest brands we have in T&T and the Caribbean.  And the amazing thing is that he has built the brand himself.  Just like Jay Z.  Of course they both have help.  Machel’s mother is not too shabby as an entertainment manager.  But Machel knows what Machel wants and Machel always gets what he wants because he does the work. (as Pat Bishop would say)

Carnival 2011 will be about the usual bachanal, BBF’s (beads, bikinis and feathers), Steelband controversies, All Inclusives and Mr Montano.  Destra will also benefit from the rule of scarcity but not as much as Machel.  Because her scarcity was not by choice.  His was.