Shop, Drop & Roll

shop drop and roll

Tell me if this ever happened to you…

You enter a store and see a small “conference” of store clerks taking place in the middle of the store. You browse through the store just long enough to hear snippets of the gossip and to realise that no one has any intention of coming to your assistance.

When you finally manage to interrupt the caucus, one clerk from the herd follows you around heel-to-toe, scrutinises everything you do, every item you pick up, the clothes you are wearing and the shoes on your foot.

If you dare pick up an item or look at something on the shelf for more than 2 seconds, she is quick on the draw…

“$200 for dat” or

“I have one just like dat” or the classic

“Dat would look good on you”.

As you continue to browse the store you find yourself wondering:

  1. Did she get this job based on her winning charm and stunning personality?
  2. Probably she feels I will buy more if she invades my breathing space…
  3. Do store owners think this is what prompts us to buy?

Unfortunately, business owners seem to have convinced themselves that we will spend, whether we get good customer service or not. Not always true.

In cases like this, I usually find myself looking for the nearest exit.