Subduing the bull: Monster’s Marketing is Top Notch

Bull in a bullfight

A 2002 Gallup poll found that 68.8% of Spaniards express “no interest” in bullfighting while 20.6% expressed “some interest” and 10.4% “a lot of interest.” The poll also found significant generational variety, with 51% of those 65 and older expressing interest, compared with 23% of those between 25–34 years of age. (Source: Wikipedia)  In other words, bull fighting is dying in its place of birth.

Not in T&T.  Monster, Full Throttle, Ciclon, Turbo and Battery, to name a few has been taunting and fighting one bull in particular, the Red Bull.

And from what I can observe the Monster is winning.  Why?  There is only so far that fancy clothes can take you.  Red Bull’s cool factor was cool until people started asking; what’s in it for me?

Monster gave them the answer.  Great value; twice the volume for the same price as the brand that “gives you wings”.  Several flavors: So people could choose what they like.  Easily available; within a breath of desire.  And almost all their A&P money has been spent on putting their product in people’s hands through an aggressive sampling program.

In Spanish tradition if the matador has done exceptionally well, he will be given a standing ovation by the crowd, throwing hats and roses into the arena to show their appreciation. The marketing and sales teams at Blue Waters deserve no less.