T&T’s Caesar’s Army has Brand Momentum.


Yesterday I joined the Army in Chaguaramas, Caesar’s Army.   I first heard of the Caesar’s Army, from a Christmas Day Party they do and wondered at the time what mad people would organise a party on Christmas Day that you had to pay to attend.

Clearly I’m the one that’s mad for not getting it.  Since then Caesar’s Army has gone on to launch other event sub-brands and yesterday’s Mai Tai kept their brand momentum going.

I recently read a very insightful article by William J. McEwen, Author of Married to the Brand, on Brand Momentum.  He asks and answers his own questions:  “Why do consumers care about brand momentum? Why does momentum matter? Why should the “bandwagon” play a role in attracting — or repelling — customers? Because we all want to affirm the wisdom of our choices, if not with the world at large, at least with those whom we deem as relevant peers. “

Caesar’s Army came out last night and the “relevant peers” were all at “Attention!”  (btw, I know I’m not a relevant peer, I went to do some surveillance)

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