Trinidad & Tobago

Are you happy with your job?
Some people work because they have to. Others truly love what they do, and they're willing to take some lumps for the company as long as they feel job satisfaction. Where do you fit in? Today marks 3 years since...
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Ad agencies are in trouble
Some of it is externally driven, like the new media movement.  Much of it is self inflicted.  For example, in T&T the AATT prescribes that clients should pay $5,000 for creative competitive pitches.  Why?  To cover some of the costs...
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Permission to enter?
What do brands have permission to do?  Of course there's the functional.  KFC can sell chicken.  Some might even say only fried chicken.  So when I had pork chops in KFC in London many years ago, it was clear that...
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Don’t turn back on your brand
This morning after Jourvert celebrations, I got stuck in a massive traffic jam.  Nothings moving and I change course a few times to try to get through the mess.  Several people in front of me eventually turn back.  I decided...
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Is Carnival dying?
Seth Godin says no to big events. “The reasons? Well, they don't work. They don't work because big events leave little room for iteration, for trial and error, for earning rapport. And the biggest reason: frequent cheap communication is easier...
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Best of Pepper Mout’
Coinciding with the holidays, our blog, 'Pepper Mout,' just celebrated its 100th blog post. Pepper Mout launched last November 2009. We've been experimenting with the medium ever since. You're currently reading our 101st Blog Post. In honour of this auspicious...
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Trinidad & Tobago’s Top 50 Websites
Prompted by a client's question 'What are the top websites in the world?' I took a look a T&T's top 50 websites, as computed by web-statistics company, Alexa, whose ranking system is based on site visitors and page views. That...
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Mario’s Facebook Video Contest
Submit a video of yourself, friends/family eating pizza and win $3,000TT!! That's the basis of a new Facebook campaign by Mario's Pizza. Mario's gives away $3,000 but gains a variety of videos created by regular customers, who promote the brand....
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Interview with 2M against $2M Flag Creator
In a previous blog post, we examined the phenomenal success of the 2 million against $2million flag Facebook Group. When I say success, I'm referring to the rapid increase in membership and the group members' high level of interaction in...
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Facebook meme: 2M against the $2M Flag!
Trinidad & Tobago's Newsday featured an article entitled Facebook Group against $2M Flag. Apparently, some caring soul created a Facebook group in response to our Government's spending habits. Naturally, I went across to Facebook to investigate. The Newsday reported 2 million...
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Rituals brings Jamaican staple to Trinidad
It had to happen.  Someone had to see the potential goldmine of bringing Jamaica’s version of Doubles to Trinidad.  Just as many Trinis see Doubles as a daily staple, it’s the same way Jamaicans see their patented Patty. Well, Mario...
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Doubles Website?
Should George’s X Doubles have a website? I can feel it. We are going to wake up one day soon and find everyone, even a double’s vendor has a website and a blog. And why not? George’s X sells more...
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