Trinidad & Tobago

Positioning for T&T Local Government win
How should the People’s Partnership (PP) and the People's National Movement (PNM) position themselves for the 26th July vote?  Just to remind you the last time around the PNM choose the “stability” platform.  We’ve delivered for the last 50 years...
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5 Ways to produce Poor Advertising and 6 ways to avoid it
Here’s what many clients think agencies are: A supplier- like my stationery supplier except they deliver ideas, sometimes damn good ones The people I call to communicate the strategy (not the ones I call to help me with strategy) The...
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What does your brand stand for?
Many T&T companies advertising in today’s papers have chosen Tubal Uriah “Buzz” Butler as the symbol of the Labor Day public holiday. Given all the symbols they could have chosen to represent “labor”, what is it about Butler that makes...
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New Cabinet
The thrills of unboxing a brand new Prime Minister
There is a phenomenon called unboxing or unpackaging that's growing in popularity across the globe.  According to the Toronto Star, "it's increasingly popular among technophiles to video a commentary - a first impression, a review - as they open the...
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Which party owns momentum going into the last week?
In the short term momentum is everything.  And with one week left for T&T elections, the short term is everything.  So who owns the momentum?  The PNM or UNC/COP?  Well let's see what determines ownership of the momentum.  In a...
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Will Facebook decide our next Prime Minister?
Ok so we’re soon going to have an election in T&T.  The flavour of the month is social media.  Will it play a role in the outcome?  I can’t imagine how it won’t.  There are over 300,000 Facebook users in...
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Marketing Coconuts
Every weekend my wife Rebecca and I take a walk around the savannah and end it with coconut water. My vendor is like most vendors. He doesn’t have a name and he follows instructions. In chatting with him I learnt...
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How can we make the pan more marketable?
Pan needs a big idea. Like when Peter Ueberroth made the 1984 Olympics the TV games, raising close to a billion US dollars from broadcast rights. Previous to 1984, others focused on stadium seats to be the main supply of...
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duck doubles
Here comes another Doubles blog. Duck!
It had to happen and it has. Now you can get meat in your doubles. And fittingly it has arrived in the capital of doubles, Curepe. (Debe is the capital of everything else indofried). This Curepe vendor sells doubles with...
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Bull in a bullfight
Subduing the bull: Monster’s Marketing is Top Notch
A 2002 Gallup poll found that 68.8% of Spaniards express "no interest" in bullfighting while 20.6% expressed "some interest" and 10.4% "a lot of interest." The poll also found significant generational variety, with 51% of those 65 and older expressing...
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Caribbean Tutors Ads
Reader Poll: Are these the most bizarre Facebook ads ever?
Caribbean Tutors posted a series of Facebook ads that are either deliberately terrible, and therefore offbeat and eye-catching, OR are accidentally terrible and are just embarrassing. Speaking for myself - a middle aged white male groaning about CXC caught my...
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USA Today launches in Trinidad
The invitation was impressive. The teasers created mystery and curiosity. The launch was held at the posh Hyatt Regency, where “the location has become the message”. (Message: my product must be the best if it’s launched at the Hyatt) Principals...
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