Trinidad & Tobago

What is your brand story? Tell it.
Sauce Doubles separated themselves from other Doubles Vendors with their sauce and their story.  Much like the conductor of a symphony orchestra, their server is elevated so they can see all the players (buyers) and all the players (buyers) can...
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Brand Architecture is not Brand Strategy.
Massy is following a Masterbrand brand-architecture (with a few exceptions) where most of their companies are called by the name of the mother-ship.  According to the Distility Blog, Brand architecture " is a higher-level plan of your brand eco-system, so you can...
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Price and Value. 2 sides. 1 coin.
The crude definition of value is what you get divided by what you pay.  So if you pay 10 units and get back 20 units of value, that’s likely to be good, even great value.  In calculating value, the benefits...
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8 things we can innovate in T&T Carnival.
Live streaming of all shows for free.  It's the best call card we could hand out and the payback is people will visit to experience the real thing.  I mean top quality Live Streaming and an appropriate ad campaign to...
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It’s not the costume they are buying…
People who say all the costumes in T&T Carnival look the same are missing the point, because costumes are not what people are buying.  (Even when the costumes didn't look the same, people were not necessarily buying the costumes.)  What...
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Why I love marketing?
12 words. Creativity Innovation People Power Adrenalin Thrill Speed Dream Brands Ideas Strategy Passion    
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“Not crossing you.”
I've googled the phrase "not crossing you" and maybe it's a Trini expression because I could not find it used the way we do.  When a Trini says it , it actually means just the opposite.  It means that you...
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How do you make up your mind on where to work?
When I first started working, there was no question about working for yourself.   My mother drilled into us that we needed to go work for someone, preferably a strong established company like Neal & Massey.  So when I started...
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Massy. Genius or Folly?
That move to Massy is one bold move.  In the case of "The Nation's Favorite Food Store" they have thrown out a familiar family friend and introduced us to a new person called Massy.  There are obvious advantages: Brand has...
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Public Relations in T&T is too much about spin.
Q. What's the difference between a squirrel and a rat? A. PR.  So the joke goes. Many of our companies have reduced PR to handing over an oversized cheque or having their Managing Director pose for a photo op painting a children's home....
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Does product sampling work in T&T?
Does product sampling work in T&T?  The short answer is I don't know.  Like too much of what we do in promotions in T&T (in fact most things), we don't measure relationships between investments and returns.  It's the same for...
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Fundraising in T&T 101.
T&T is in a perpetual state of fundraising.  Churches, Schools, Sports Clubs, Associations and individuals, to name a few groups, are always looking for money.  The projects range from the staple cake sale and BBQ to more complex events like...
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