Scotch Brite ad hits the spot clean

I came across this ad recently and thought it definitely deserved good mention.

If you want to enjoy the ad as I did without knowing the story beforehand, look at the video first. If you don’t care, read on.

This Latin American ad hit a positive chord in me because of the different levels of communication it achieves within the 30 sec spot.

On the emotional side, I think the director did a brilliant job of making me feel a little uncomfortable as the young man speaks about the “nose job.” There she is, the lady with the big nose, in a somewhat of a profile, but not too blatantly. His direction does not focus on her nose so we go along with the ploy until the payoff.

This ad is about cleaning dirty dishes, but we do not see one piece of china. In fact, we don’t even see a kitchen, but the idea is communicated quite clearly. The group is at the table dining. After the faux pas, we are left with the line, “Leave no trace of this meal”. This double meaning line is perfect. It goes for the desire to completely forget the foot-in-mouth episode and as a metaphor for the cleaning power of the product.

This ad scores.

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