
From hero to zero
Here's a mighty nation in search of its truth After all that has gone before we took and we'll take some more.... (David Rudder - Trinidad boys, Tobago boys) So Trinidad and Tobago boys (and girls), what's next for our...
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T&T 50th Anniversary Logo
“They cheat, they cheat, we want to see the score sheet”
The headline is taken from a Maestro calypso.  It speaks to the lament of the pan-man every year after the Panorama Competitions.  I was reminded of this when I saw the comments online on Mrs Boos' winning entry.  Many of...
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Pepper closing but staying in pepper business.
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After close to 7 years on the Trinidad and Tobago marketing scene, pepper advertising is closing its doors and opening its kitchen.  Known for its hot and differentiated approach to marketing and communications, its innovation in the digital space and...
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T&T Carnival needs a makeover.
T&T Carnival needs a master plan.  If this were a product marketed by a Company, there would be meetings going on about if the product should be discontinued......this is as far as I got with a blog today because I...
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St. Bernadine
From Valentine to Bernadine
So today is Valentine's Day, a day that lovers exchange flowers, chocolate, gifts and personal sentiment. All in the name of St. Valentine. Who was St. Valentine anyway and why is this day attached to him? Well, there is no...
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We are all Self-Employed.
We are all self-employed.  One in six of my Linked-in connections has changed jobs in the past year.  Once upon a time, people worked 35 years in the same job.  And changing jobs was seen as a sign of instability...
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whisling to work
Whistling to work
I'm generalising here and know that's risky. But my observation is that many people are not passionate about their jobs. Why? Because we are still running organisations from the top down without engaging the rank and file. Our system is...
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11 random lessons of 2011
As we come to the end of 2011, here are some lessons that I have learnt. Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion. No one is indispensible. Everyone has a replacement. According to Seth Godin, “to be...
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Our day will come
"Our day will come.  And we'll have everything.  Our day will come.  If we just wait a while." These are some of the lyrics from a Ruby and the Romantics classic. As we close 2011, I wonder when will our...
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Paying for passion
How come some people are passionate and others are just prepared to tick the boxes. And sometimes not even that. I find the most passionate people are found in the arts and sport. Like the community organiser who goes around...
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Women taking over
At a recent Lok Jack GSB symposium Langston Roach, a feature speaker, said he does not hire men.  He said men were lazy and unreliable.  He found that women were more productive, passionate and loyal.  His company, Langston Roach Industries...
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9 ways T&T Carnival Fetes have changed. And 1 way they have not.
All Inclusives for the 'well off' are now mainstream.  And fetes for 'the masses' are now niche. No steelband music.  Once upon a time Starlift had 2 or 3 gigs on the same night. It's now a major fashion statement;...
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