Trinidad advertising industry

Don’t advertise. Get your service right first, please.
I'm finding myself telling my service clients, with increasing frequency, to focus on their operations before investing in advertising.  And recently the pepper GM has been turning my advice on me telling me that pepper should not be looking for...
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Wanted: A local revolution
The Holiday season is a great time to reflect, relax, re-connect and revive for the new year. While I had little time to do any of this (working so hard :P), I did have the time to catch a few family...
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"I don't listen to that channel"
Media Schedules are the ‘orphans’ of advertising (and so are the people who plan them)
Winfield Aleong, my first mentor in the advertising business, used to lament that clients would spend hours haggling over the punctuation in a headline and leave the approval of their media schedule to one of their juniors.  Of course the...
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Make sure your brand works before advertising it
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Why the rush to advertise?  Because the Board wants to see that we are doing something.  Because I want the stock market to see that I'm launching new products.  Because it's a cool thing to do.  Who doesn't like the...
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Advertising Wear Out – Can your advertising help your Competitor?
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Is there such a thing as advertising wear out? The short answer is yes.  The wear out factor was alive and well in the recent elections campaign in T&T when both parties appeared to have a bottomless bag of money...
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Rum don’t Stalk
Angostura is taking the bold step to promote Rum as a category VS the scotch brands (in particular they are attacking the market leaders JWB and Black and White/aka "two dogs"). I made the point in an earlier post that people...
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The brand gurus have become commodities ourselves
I was thinking about how agencies in Trinidad and I imagine the world over have become commodities.   What irony that we who parade as masters of differentiation and the inventors of the usp are not differentiated ourselves.  So when I...
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The confessions of an adman
10 Common Ad Agency sins
Having an Accountant run the shop.  Or make marketing decisions. Not letting the media buyer in on the brand strategy. Developing a campaign without a clear single minded positioning. What are you advertising then? Promising stuff to the client and not...
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10 Things that worry me about the Ad Business in T&T
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Not enough marketing mentors.  So whose teaching marketing craft? Ads that win awards don't necessarily sell more products. The ad industry is not investing in any self improvement.  Research is non-existent.  So we are all guessing. Tactics trump strategy.  With...
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Why we buy? Shattering marketers’ cherished beliefs
Someone I admire a lot  told me about this book.  So I went hunting for it online.  It basically shatters long held beliefs of marketers.  Like the idea that sex sells.  Check out this excerpt from the book on finding...
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Small islands are BIG on Digital
According to Internet World Stats St Lucia, St Vincent and Antigua & Barbuda are some serious Internet users.  I'm surprised partly because I believe T&T is the centre of the Caribbean galaxy and also because of the common perception of the...
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Meet my digital mentor
I've been very lucky throughout my career.  I've worked with and close to the best in marketing and business.  Richard Waddell (RIP) introduced me to Noble Phillip, the best marketing person I know.  That was 30 years ago and I've...
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