Marketing Strategy

Ian Alleyne’s brand extension. Will it work?
Line extension also called brand extension is a multi-product branding strategy whereby a firm markets one or more new products under an already established and well-known brand name. The objective is to serve different market segments while taking advantage of the widespread recognition of the original brand. So...
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What’s your Chobster?
This weekend was Fatima's "salt and pepper" cookout fundraiser.  Every year I try to do something out of the ordinary so that guests would choose to try my dish over others.  And every year I see the usual suspects; chicken...
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De boss ah Soup. Marketing 101.
If you were going to do only one thing right in marketing, a good place to start is with the product. Putting lip stick on a pig, it's still a pig.  Not having the perfect location will hurt but people...
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5 Ways Social Media Can Help You Keep Your Market Share
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Your company has spent millions to attain its market share, are you doing enough to retain your customers? Social media is an invaluable tool for customer retention. Unlike traditional advertising, it gives customers a voice. Sadly, many companies fail to...
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The power of branding.
A brand was the action of burning a symbol into the flesh of a horse in order to signify ownership of the animal.  Branding started in Sweden in the middle age (476-1492) when the ruling economy was the agrarian and...
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The Wall Paper Effect in Advertising.
Cash is too hard to come by to waste.  Market share ditto.  So why do we do exactly that when we do wallpaper ads.  You know the kinds you don't see because they are so familiar and ordinary. Banks are experts at...
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We like vanilla advertising for the same reason we like vanilla ice cream.
Vanilla is still the most popular ice cream in the US.  After all these years you would think that some other flavor would have knocked vanilla off the podium.  But vanilla continues as ruler of the freezer and taste buds. At pepper...
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O Canada!
Brands are built on trust.  And if there are squeaky clean country brands in the world, Canada would be one of them.  Or so I thought.  Canada's reputation as a country of decent people who are more likely to be...
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Taking the Shed out of the Breakfast Shed.
The women down at the Breakfast Shed are dying.  Their business I should say, more accurately.  Their transition from port kitchen to banker's row diner complete with a view of the Gulf of Paria, has not gone well.  We have...
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El Pecos getting it right!
As a student of marketing I'm always on the lookout for brands that are getting it right.  Brands with a clear point of difference that are connecting with their tribe. Mostly I find these through reading up online (about foreign...
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Advertising Agencies in T&T “eating a food” too.
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Mark Silveira in his book says:  "Most advertising is neither awful nor great. It’s something infinitely more dangerous. It’s ordinary. So-so, as they put it. Or just plain average, like a lot of other things in the world—products, people, intellects, you...
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When 2 Sharks fight…customers smile.
For those of you interested in the fine art of marketing war, I recommend you throw an inquisitive glance in the direction of Maracas Beach.  There you will find a very big 'bake and shark' brand called Richard's and a...
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