
El Pecos getting it right!
As a student of marketing I'm always on the lookout for brands that are getting it right.  Brands with a clear point of difference that are connecting with their tribe. Mostly I find these through reading up online (about foreign...
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Advertising Agencies in T&T “eating a food” too.
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Mark Silveira in his book says:  "Most advertising is neither awful nor great. It’s something infinitely more dangerous. It’s ordinary. So-so, as they put it. Or just plain average, like a lot of other things in the world—products, people, intellects, you...
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Trinidad and Tobago advertising agencies. Death by Shutterstock.
We regret the announce the death of the Advertising Agency in T&T  (as we know it).   Died in the first quarter of the 21st century. Wife to brand and marketing managers, relative of media houses, production companies, printers, talented...
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10 ways to succeed in that new business in 2013
10 ways to succeed in 2013 Don't listen to people who say that you don't have the talent, or there's too much competition, or simply that you won't succeed.  Believe in yourself.  (Thanks Jeff Haden) Start.  Just start.  (yes you...
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Moo Milk
Don’t confuse us with facts Moo.
Made from fresh...never from powder. That is the point of difference the folks at Hand Arnold are banking on to carve out a piece of the lucrative ready to drink (RTD) milk market in T&T. Will it work?
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Marketing is dead.
When Bill Lee wrote the article Marketing is Dead  in the Harvard Business Review he cited research done among CEOs and decision makers; "73% of them said that Chief Marketing Officers lack business credibility and the ability to generate sufficient business...
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Attention T&T ad people: “The consumer isn’t a moron.”
“The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife.” So goes a quote from David Ogilvy, referred to by some as the Father of Advertising.  There is always a temptation to dumb down an ad; just to make sure people...
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Why should we hire you?
Pepper has been doing some interviews lately.  I find many interviewees can't answer one critical question, as clearly as they should:  Why should we hire you?  As this helpful link from Miriam Salpiter indicates, you need to have some idea...
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Tactics trump Strategy in T&T.
T&T marketing raised on a diet of tactics.
"I want a full-page. full color press ad and I want it to run in all the dailies."  You are far more likely to hear this than;  "Let's try to figure what we should mean to our customers." Too often...
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T&T’s Caesar’s Army has Brand Momentum.
Yesterday I joined the Army in Chaguaramas, Caesar’s Army.   I first heard of the Caesar’s Army, from a Christmas Day Party they do and wondered at the time what mad people would organise a party on Christmas Day that you...
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In the land of the blind…
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus is credited with coming up with the phrase, "in the land of the blind, a one eye man is king".  I first heard it from another Dutchman when I worked for an iconic Dutch brand called Heineken....
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We are all Self-Employed.
We are all self-employed.  One in six of my Linked-in connections has changed jobs in the past year.  Once upon a time, people worked 35 years in the same job.  And changing jobs was seen as a sign of instability...
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