life lessons

11 random lessons of 2011
As we come to the end of 2011, here are some lessons that I have learnt. Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion. No one is indispensible. Everyone has a replacement. According to Seth Godin, “to be...
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Love what you do. And stick to it.
I was looking at Bloomberg TV sometime ago and Donald Trump was being interviewed and he was asked: "What’s the most important real-life advice you can give to an entrepreneur?" Here's how he answered: You have to love what you...
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Advice from Ronald Harford….keep your nails clean
Went to a novel event hosted by Lok Jack GSB that put Ron Harford centre stage.  Ron has been at Republic Bank (formerly Barclay's) for 47 years and is still its Chairman.  I have seen Ron in action up close as...
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