Marketing Strategy

Permission to enter?
What do brands have permission to do?  Of course there's the functional.  KFC can sell chicken.  Some might even say only fried chicken.  So when I had pork chops in KFC in London many years ago, it was clear that...
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Don’t turn back on your brand
This morning after Jourvert celebrations, I got stuck in a massive traffic jam.  Nothings moving and I change course a few times to try to get through the mess.  Several people in front of me eventually turn back.  I decided...
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Is Carnival dying?
Seth Godin says no to big events. “The reasons? Well, they don't work. They don't work because big events leave little room for iteration, for trial and error, for earning rapport. And the biggest reason: frequent cheap communication is easier...
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Build Trust First, then Sell
Here’s a good post from my new media guru Seth Godin.  He’s basically saying don’t try to sell the customer “on the first date”, build some trust first.  This speaks to the need for Company sales approaches, including websites, to...
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Standing out on Times Square- American Eagle
It’s hard enough to stand out in the global market place.  Can you imagine what it takes to stand out on Times Square.  If you were meeting someone at Times Square and you told them you would be wearing a...
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Loblaws: Supermarket to Superwarehouse
I'm walking through a Loblaws Supermarket in Toronto yesterday and started thinking; "This is not an efficient way to sell stuff". And this led me to thinking that 20 years or less from now, we'll look back at how people used to...
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Rituals brings Jamaican staple to Trinidad
It had to happen.  Someone had to see the potential goldmine of bringing Jamaica’s version of Doubles to Trinidad.  Just as many Trinis see Doubles as a daily staple, it’s the same way Jamaicans see their patented Patty. Well, Mario...
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Doubles Website?
Should George’s X Doubles have a website? I can feel it. We are going to wake up one day soon and find everyone, even a double’s vendor has a website and a blog. And why not? George’s X sells more...
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What Minister Hunt could have done differently
I have not been following the Flag at the National Stadium issue very closely; however, I know enough to know that from henceforth Minister Hunt will be known as the $2M flag man. I also know that his political enemies...
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The Future of Advertising
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People don't need advertising anymore to tell them about new products. And if they want to find out, they will find out on their terms.
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Differentiation: Vanilla or Chocolate Macadamia?
In a world in which more and more average work can be done by a computer, robot or talented foreigner faster, cheaper "and just as well," vanilla does not cut it anymore. It's all about what chocolate sauce, whipped cream...
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Sonnet to Venky’s
We did not know her because we just met A perfect stranger in a far far place She saw no religion she saw no race Welcomed with open arms we won't forget Our sweet new friend for life without regret More than you...
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