Dennis Ramdeen

Is Trinidad and Tobago Carnival recession proof?
“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.”  - Warren Buffet Is Trinidad and Tobago Carnival recession proof?  The short answer is no. The traditional logic is that sin wins when the economy loses.  Cigarette...
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T&T Carnival 2017 All Inclusive – The Un-Fete
We've all heard of the Un-Cola. So allow me to introduce you to the Un-Fete.  Here's the challenge: A whole bunch of people have come to depend on All Inclusive Fetes to provide them with a living.  A living if...
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The art of the beg. Fundraising made simple.
In every group there's always that one person on the Fundraising Committee who knows how to beg.  That would be me. Here's 15 things that have worked for me: Have a clear goal. If you don't know what you're begging...
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Pepper is 11 years young.
Here are 11 things that I reflect on as pepper turns 11: Always do the right thing Digital is the new 30 second tvc It's the size of the idea that matters, not the size of the agency Sharing is...
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Hillary’s brand lacks clarity.
Unless you have absolute clarity of what your brand stands for, everything else is irrelevant. – Mark Baynes "It's the economy, stupid."  This bit of down-home political wisdom was at the heart of Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign.  James Carville had...
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10 Things a Marketer can learn from the Cruise Ship business.
Just came back from my first cruise and overall it was good.  Maybe an 8 out of 10.  As a marketer, I'm always looking for lessons I can take away and apply to my clients' business and also my own....
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16 ways to beat the recession in T&T
Beat the recession in your head first and your body will follow. If you are walking around thinking "woe is me",  guess what follows? Engage your team.  The whole team.  Give those responsible for customer service, clear sales and margin...
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Tell stories. Stop advertising.
Truth be told advertising has always had a measure of story telling.  But the stories too often have been inward looking.  They have been about products and why you should love them and buy them. A Nielsen Global Trust in...
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14 ways to drive sales in recession.
Add value to your offering while maintaining your price. You want to stand out among alternatives.  Give customers a compelling reason to remember you. Is it your smiles?  Your peoples' superb reliability? Go into a market you don't currently serve....
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12 ways to build a brand people love.
  Start a movement around your brand.  You're not a one man band and even one man bands need roadies and family support. Build green into your brand.  Ok so you are a small pepper sauce maker.  Make sure you're...
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The spider and the fly.
Why did "The Greens" have such a short life cycle. It seems like only yesterday, it was born. Mayflies have the shortest lifespan on Earth. Their life lasting only for 24 hours. Why did the "The Greens" last as long...
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How do we curb our love for strawberries in T&T?
I use strawberries here as a metaphor for things we crave and buy that are from another land. You can go for days, weeks and months even, without hearing pan music on the radio, our so called national instrument.  ...
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