We ad agency people need blinkers.

According to Arravale Racing, “Blinkers help to keep a horse focused on what is in front of him during a race. Blinkers are used on horses that tend to look around too much during a race, and need some help focusing on the task at hand.”

It’s the same with us advertising people.  We look around too much in the course of our day.  We need blinkers, so that we can focus on what’s important and not be distracted by things that should be left on the periphery, until the right time.   We need to relegate many things to lower priority.  So if we have 100 activities on our list, which is actually very common, they all can’t have the same weighting of importance.  We need to focus on say, 10 at a time, and dump the rest until we complete the top 10.

Get those blinkers on guys, especially Account Executives.  You will get more done and you will execute better.  And this will definitely improve your chances of winning your brand’s Derby.

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