
Give me a Harry Potter and a Barbecue Pit
I worked at KFC for eight years and one of the key skills they train associates on is up selling. So when you order a 2 pc and fries the team member behind the cashier should smile and ask you...
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Ad Inspiration
I wonder how the cat got away?? He probably fit right through the door, the dog chased him and got stuck... then the cat came out the window and painted that face on his fat ass!! hahahahaha!! I really like...
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Sponsorship: Venky’s 20/20 vision
They say hindsight is 20/20 vision. Everyone is wondering how come the now remarkable T&T Cricket team went to India for the Champions League  20/20 sans a sponsor.  A T&T sponsor that is.  Well sponsorship of teams in tournaments like...
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Everything I know about Advertising, I learned from TV
Here are a couple of things I learned from TV about advertising and design. You can enhance anything. I learned that no matter how low-res, grainy, gritty, dark, dim, blurry, fuzzy or unclear a security camera photo is, just say...
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Experiential Marketing: What would we do differently if we charged admission?
The next time you're organising the press conference, prize distribution ceremony for your contest or breakfast meeting, ask yourself this question: What would we do differently if you were charging admission?  That kind of raises the stakes on attendees expectations...
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Life without press, radio and TV?
What if we woke up one morning to find that traditional media was no longer available?  What would brand managers do?  Well for starters they would find out how their customers are handling the change and what if anything has...
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Brand Management: Does the menu matter?
The thing about menu cards in Trinidad… Went to lunch today at Aura on the Boulevard.  Lovely greeting at entrance.  Kind of empty, but it’s Tuesday, so really a part of the week the owner would like to see past...
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A Competitive Local Television Station?
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This is TTT, Channels 2 and 13… As a child when we heard these words we knew it was time for TV.  And by TV I mean TTT, the one channel you could get when you turned on the television....
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Top 10 ‘Eid Mubarak’ Ads 2009
Since this is scanning week, I've used my secret time machine to bring you the Top Ten Eid Ads of 2009. Ads are judged on design & layout, copy and brand-iness. As I'm a designer, the design will be weighted...
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Best Use of Spot Colour
It's scanning day! I vote this ad in for Best Use of Spot Colour! Collect your prize at the door. Simple and effective, illustrates the 'lowness' of the interest rate using a sinking effect. Ironically, I've used a similar water...
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Sagicor’s Super-Effective Ads
Of course, I saw the full page version of this ad every DAY, but when I want to scan it I can't find it. I love this series. Inspirational & eye catching, a simple two colour deal. The full page...
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