Ad Industry

Overcoming Writer’s Block
Achilles had his heel.  Sailors had scurvy.  Writers had - and may always have...writer's block.  For persons charged with generating creative words on a daily basis, it's not a rarity to encounter this 'little' speed bump ever so often.  Thankfully...
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A novel take on the alcohol ad
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We have seen it a thousand times before; the alcohol ads depicting the suave man conquering the  willing, sensual female. I quite enjoyed this Tazovsky Vodka ad out of Romania that turned this stereotypical type of ad upside down.
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Nike+ gets a high score.
Thanks to Nike+, exercise is officially a video game. That's the clear message delivered in these two eye-catching ads for Nike+. The FuelBand product (an accelerometer you wear on your wrist which tracks your activity and energy expenditures and translates...
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Is last minute in T&T DNA?
I have figured out a competitive advantage for our small Agency.  For pepper advertising to win, we must adopt a first minute attitude.  You see often, like the rest of T&T, we don't tell others on our team what we...
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Tactics trump Strategy in T&T.
T&T marketing raised on a diet of tactics.
"I want a full-page. full color press ad and I want it to run in all the dailies."  You are far more likely to hear this than;  "Let's try to figure what we should mean to our customers." Too often...
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Can a T&T ad agency win without pitching?
I'm currently reading a book by a revolutionary Blair Enns entitled "The Win Without Pitching Manifesto".  Blair obviously has done a lot of pitches as he displays a deep understanding of the pain and suffering that comes with pitching.  His...
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Loving my local logo
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We always talk about the logos of international brands such as FedEx and Nike, however I cannot recall any discussion on local logos except when there is a logo competition. Over the weekend I took the bus to San Fernando...
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We ad agency people need blinkers.
According to Arravale Racing, "Blinkers help to keep a horse focused on what is in front of him during a race. Blinkers are used on horses that tend to look around too much during a race, and need some help...
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Good heavens!!!! I had intentions of beginning this blog with, "Only in Trinidad..." but to my dismay, I discovered that my topic today is not intrinsic to Trinidad and Tobago. To what do I refer? The continued use in local...
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Clash of the Commercials
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On CBS last night I viewed the show Clash of the Commercials: USA vs the World. The premise of the show was a countdown of the top ten commercials in the world (inclusive of the USA's) and for the final...
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Are we rewarding emotional intelligence enough in Trinidad?
Society rewards thinkers and doers.  But only certain kinds of thinking and doing.  Lawyers and surgeons get paid a lot for thinking and doing.  Artists generally aren't so lucky.   In the office the sales people who deliver the sales have...
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Whose your caddie?
According to the Inside Golf Magazine the great British golf broadcaster Henry Longhurst once said: "A good caddie is more than a mere assistant. He is a guide, philosopher and friend".  Other people have likened a caddie to a co-competitor/teammate,...
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